Electromagnetic radiation dosimetry for implementation of the e-Schools pilot project: establishing a system for developing digitally mature schools

European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

Project head: Ivica Prlić

In recent years, the use of Wi-Fi radio transceivers has been growing rapidly. Using such technology, electronic devices are connected by radio to a computer network via microwave or radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic fields, thus eliminating or reducing the need to connect with network cables. The best example is a laptop that is connected to the Internet via a Wi-Fi router. Today, Wi-Fi access points can be found in many public and private areas, which means that people surrounded by Wi-Fi signals are occasionally exposed to low levels of electromagnetic fields when using the Internet for business or private purposes (such as a router as access points).

Wi-Fi radio connectivity is currently being measured as part of the “e-School project: Establishment of Development Digital Mature Schools System (pilot-project)” project implemented by the Croatian Academic and Research Network (CARNet) from 2015 to 2018. The Radiation Dosimetry and Radiobiology Unit are in charge of the continuous monitoring of electromagnetic field levels within school buildings that are part of the project. Their measurements have thus far shown that the level of exposure to the electromagnetic fields produced by Wi-Fi devices in the controlled spaces is far below the referent limit value for the general population set by the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) and the Ministry of Healthcare of the
Republic of Croatia.

The e-School pilot project includes 10 % of schools (101 primary and 50 secondary schools) from all over Croatia and is part of the programme “e-School: Complete computerization of the school business processes and teaching processes for the purpose of creating digital mature schools for the 21st century”. In digitally mature schools, the active and everyday use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the teaching and business of the school contributes to the development of digital competence of students, development of digital competence of teachers, and efficient and transparent school management. More information: www.e-skole.hr.