Place and date of birth
Osijek, 12 Apr 1986
- 2008-2011
Masters Degree
English language and literature (Translation studies) and Social studies
University of Zagreb Faculty of Philosophy
Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia) - 2005-2008
Bachelor of Arts
English language and literature and social studies
University of Zagreb Faculty of Philosophy
Ivana Lučića 3, 10000 Zagreb (Croatia)
Additional training
EU Funds Project Manager Programme
Mirakul edukacijski centar
- MODULE 1: EU Cohesion Policy, Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund, and programmes of the EC;
- MODULE 2: Managing a project’s cycle – preparing EU projects for application;
- MODULE 3: Evaluation and implementation of EU projects.
March 2013
Permanent Court Interpreter for the English language
Zagreb County Court, Zagreb
Published literary translations:
- Godfrey, L., Petto, A., ur. (2011.) Znanost suprotstavljena kreacionizmu: s onu stranu inteligentnog dizajna. Zagreb: Tim press. (book)
- Svendsen, L. Fr. H. (2012.) Filozofija rada. Zagreb: Tim press. (book)