Special Issue “Biological Risk Monitoring of Exposure to Chemical Pollutants and/or Physical Agents”
Dear Colleagues,
Biological monitoring (BM) (used mostly in occupational, but also accidental, at home and environmental exposure) is an important, but still underrepresented and not efficiently used, tool in risk assessment. There are also different BM regulations in each country, mostly due to the lack of strong data and databases to be analyzed for final confirmation about specific chemical/physical agent risk. New data, improvements of already existing methods, use of newly developed sensitive methods, or the combination of analysis techniques for quantitative determinations have made it possible to establish new limits of exposure or even helped in classifying some substances as carcinogens or mutagens with limits of exposure, especially in the workplace. Still, the development of new materials, chemicals, co-exposures with mixed toxicokinetic pathways and similar/different modes of action, and new uses of already known/unknown chemical and physical agents are still demonstrating the need for new data collection for a strong database fulfilment in order to finally reveal whether a specific mixture of agents is dangerous and, if so, to what extent. At present, for exposure biomarkers and other types of biomarkers used in biomonitoring, such as effect and susceptibility biomarkers, data regarding possible databases and literature surveys are still insufficient. Therefore, the aim of this Special Issue is to contribute to further collection of data on the evidence of biological monitoring and risk assessment considering all types of biomarkers and exposure types and routes in living organisms or revealing their pathways in vivo and in vitro to obtain new insights into the old/new and novel use of chemicals and/or physical agents. This Special Issue will include original articles, as well as systematic/reviews on these topics including human, in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro studies.
Dr. Mirta Milić
Prof. Dr. Nursen Basaran
Guest Editors
Find more about the Special Issue at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/toxics/special_issues/IK79YY8HU6