Advanced Physics Lab 1
Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
- Studij: Physics
- Program: istraživački smjer
- Voditelj: doc. dr. sc. Mario Novak, dipl. ing. fiz.
- Suradnica u nastavi: Mihaela Justić, dipl. ing. fiz.
Course summary
By performing advanced lab tasks, students will learn about the more complex aspects of experimental work, which is an indispensable part of research in physics. The knowledge gained from lectures in general physics students will be deepened by experimental work on individual problems, contributing to a deeper understanding of specific topics and acquiring experimental experience. They will be introduced to advanced devices for measurement of physical quantities and the building of experimental research measurement setups. At the Advanced Physics Lab, students have great autonomy in solving tasks, and each task will be performed in two consecutive terms, allowing them to form a working hypothesis based on the first experimental results, which can be confirmed or refuted on the second term. In this way, students will develop a comprehensive ability to solve problems in future research.
- exercises from class
- Požek, Miroslav; Dulčić, Antonije: Fizički praktikum I i II, Zagreb: Sunnypress, 1999.